Thursday, September 13, 2007

"...if the soul is immortal, it requires our care not only for the time we call our life, but for the sake of all time, and that one is in terrible danger if one does not give it that care. If death were escape from everything, it would be a great boon to the wicked to get rid of the body and of their wickedness together with their soul. But now that the soul appears to be immortal, there is no escape from evil or salvation for it except by becoming as good and wise as possible, for the soul goes to the underworld possessing nothing but its education and upbringing, which are said to bring the greatest benefit or harm to the dead right at the beginning of the journey yonder" (38).

This point reiterates the importance of taking care of the soul while we are on Earth. Again, Pastor Jeff would be proud. First of all, I would like to say that I do agree with Abby's point yesterday that taking care of the body can nourish the soul. Excerising can be euphoric, eating ice cream is comforting, and even finding a pretty dress to wear can make a girl's soul just feel good. I do think that the soul, as opposed to the body, should be the focus of our lives though. Notice that Socrates says that the education and upbringing our souls is what determines its fate in the after-life. Now, a lot of people believe that this life is the only shot we have. Many people in today's day are Atheist or Agnostic. What do they think a soul is? I believe that everyone has a soul. Even here on Earth humans have a physical body and a separate invisible self. The body is tangible, our thoughts, dreams, hopes, and morals are not. My mom has an anonymous quote hanging up in her condo that just came to mind. It goes something like this, "A person should hear a little music, read a little poetry, and see a little artwork each day in order to better his soul." Now, I'm not sure if I remember it word for word, but it is so true and applicable to what Socrates is saying. It is important to take care of the soul while on Earth.

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