Sunday, September 9, 2007

Socrates' line of thinking about death is intriguing. He says, "Let us reflect in this way, too, that there is good hope that death is a blessing, for it is one of two things: either the dead are nothing and have no perception of anything, or it is, as we are told, a change and a relocating for the soul from here to another place" (41). This statement reminds me of the attitude many Islam people have in today's day. People who believe that the after-life will be better than their time on Earth have no fear of death. Islamic suicide bombers believe that they are dying for a noble cause, and that they will be rewarded to the highest extent in the after-life. Socrates is not afraid of death. Fear of death is a more modern concept. As people lose faith in an after-life, life on Earth becomes more significant.

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