Thursday, October 11, 2007

"...the source of the concept 'good' has been sought and established in the wrong place: the judgment 'good' did not originate with those to who 'goodness' was shown! Rather it was 'the good' themselves ...who felt and established themselves and their actions as contradistinction to all the low, low-minded, common, and plebeian. It was out of this pathos of distance that they first seized the right to create values and to coin names for values..." (26).

Nietszche speaks here about the origin of "good." "Good," he says, was only created when the opposite in society was established. Those more noble believed themselves superior to the common man. Because of this opposite that was created, good and evil existed.

This reminds me of Lao-tzu's preaching. Lao-tzu says, "Recognize beauty and ugliness is born. Recognize good and evil is born" (2). He recognizes too that one entity only exists when its opposite is revealed.

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