Tuesday, October 16, 2007

We talked in class about equations being visual representations. Nietzsche equates: "good=noble=powerful=beautiful=happy=beloved of God" (34). This simple math problem somehow does not sit well with me. Are all good people powerful? Are all good people happy? Are all good people beautiful? Life is not fair. This equation is flawed. The cliche "nice guys finish last" is oversaid for a reason. Good people do not cheat to get ahead and gain power. I am not saying that good people are always miserable. I'm just not sure there is a conducive equation for good and evil. Life is unpredictable and unfair.

1 comment:

isa said...

I agree with what you are saying. In the same way I think that it would be nice and comforting to think that all powerful people are good, but in the real world they aren't. I don't think that what he is saying is necessarily true.